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Old 2015-11-17, 10:53 AM
tiedyemargie tiedyemargie is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Georgia
Re: Torrent won't move out of 'queued' status

Well that is a definite possibility.

Are you saying that I won't be able to upload until someone else needs the show?

If so, how will I know?

From reading the FAQ, I was under the impression that the upload would happen automatically: "It is common courtesy to make sure you upload as much data for the torrent as you downloaded. This may require you to not stop your client as soon as you complete the download, but instead to 'leave the window open' so others may continue their download from you."

After the file downloaded I left it open for hours and it didn't ever upload anything.

Are there more instructions? It seems I am missing something.

BTW, the glossary was very helpful.
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