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Old 2017-05-02, 06:59 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Connecticut
Re: Is this lossless or lossy?

I always run questionable files through a EAC test program, which shows a color spectrum. Depending on what colors you get, indicates the amount of compression. The color you don't want to see is "Black", the more black, the more sound loss. Then you can also see the graph. The blue and red lines should travel straight across left to right, If the graph lines slope down, there is compression present. You can see in hertz range when the lines drop, that indicates sound loss.

I've tested both tracks. and through my experience reading these results. I see compression to some extent in both.

The icehouse track shows more compression, while track 10 contains a smaller amount of compression. Track 10 would barely pass by my regular standards, but icehouse fails this test.

I've added pics of both. you can clearly see Blackend areas on each.sorry i wish i knew how to explain it better.
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