Thread: DVD audio
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Old 2005-10-18, 02:04 PM
4candles 4candles is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: DVD audio

Originally Posted by Gizby
Has anyone had success with the DVD-Audio authoring program on sourceforge? Seems you can burn flac files as are, thus more room is available. I've been curious about it, though it hasn't been updated in some time.
I'm the author of that program. It hasn't been updated for a while for two reasons: 1) It does everything I want it to do; and 2) I don't have any spare time to work on it.

DVD-Audio discs can either have uncompressed LPCM audio (similar to WAV files), or audio compressed using the $2500 "MLP" lossless encoder (similar to FLAC).

My program can take FLAC files as input, but it uncompresses them and writes them to the DVD-Audio disc as uncompressed audio. So you don't gain space on the DVD - it's purely a convenience feature meaning that you don't have to uncompress the files yourself before creating the DVD-A disc.
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