Originally Posted by ffooky
The cheapest player I've found so far in the UK is around £75 but it's not a feature that retailers make a fuss of so it may well be that some of the sub-fifty quid jobs are indeed capable.
I think that's about what I paid for mine - the Panasonic DVDS47EBS in RIcher Sounds. It's a reasonable player for the price, but only plays back DVD-Audio in Stereo, it doesn't support multi-channel DVD-Audio.
But you are right - a growing number of DVD players are DVD-Audio capable, but it's hard to find out which ones are. They should have the "DVD-Audio" or "DVD-Audio/Video" logo on the front, so if you go to a real shop you can easily spot them, but if you're buying on-line it's a lot harder to find the information.
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