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Old 2005-03-14, 07:20 AM
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RainDawg RainDawg is offline
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Re: Best way to store all these downloads?

Originally Posted by snaimpally
For one thing, wav is a very ineffecient format and can be comprssed 2:1 using a lossless format whereas video is in mpeg format and is already compressed. Mpeg video essentially compresses by storing only the differences between one frame and the next.
Note also the MPEG is a LOSSY compression scheme. Depending on the desired bitrate of the output, more or less information will be discarded, but there will always be some. There is no analog to .wav/.flac in the video world, and so we use these lossy compression schemes with the understanding that high bitrate (like those for DVDs) is the best we're going to get. Once it's been encoded to DVD-quality MPEG-2, there is no reason to ever have it encur more loss than it has already, and as such our rules state that DVD is the standard.
Through the clouds,
Throught the lies,
We'll never see,
What's never been,
At the ending of life and the coming of death,
Pass not through its gates but into the dark.
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