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Old 2005-03-05, 11:11 PM
Re: Sector Bound Errors and Burning lossless files

Originally Posted by dadgad
The answer is "yes"
Not quite. You only 'have' to fix them before burning them to an audio CD. If you archive them on DVD in the meantime you don't have to fix them because the sector boundary issue only applies to audio CDs.

But if you fix them before you archive them on DVD they will be fixed and you can pass them on fixed.

A couple of things need to be considered before you decide. Are there SBEs on the last track only? Are the files listed in the etree database? Etc.

I use fix mode with the -s r argument, which tells shntool to round to the nearest sector boundary. The default is to move backwards. It doesn't make a big difference really, but with -s r the files change a bit less in size.

And it's not sufficient just to run shntool over all the files. If the show you have is divided into multiples sets, for instance, you should fix each set of files separately. If you don't, there is a chance that a little snippet of one set will end up at the beginning or end of the other set. The size would be miniscule but it could be audible and in any event is technically an error.

Give us some more info and we could help you decide when and how to fix them.
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