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Old 2005-02-22, 07:35 PM
ffooky ffooky is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: OSX Burning help

Assuming you have Toast 6.0.7 or later you can go Video tab->(click the little bluish circle that makes the options drawer on the left come out)DVD Video from VIDEO_TS and drag the VIDEO_TS folder from your download into the main Toast window. If you have an earlier release of Toast or would like to use up spare space on the disc to archive other data you need to go Data tab (click the little blue circle etc.) DVD-ROM (UDF), New Disc and then drag your VIDEO_TS folder in. For best compatibility with older DVD players, hit New folder and create an empty one named AUDIO_TS. Any unused space can be filled with any data folders or files but make sure they are not in the VIDEO or AUDIO_TS folders by mistake.
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