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Old 2005-02-17, 03:59 PM
Lightbulb Shntool frontend

There's a frontend by Speek (the author of Multi-frontend and FLAC-frontend) that can now run shntool for you. It's called BatchEnc.

BatchEnc (which stands for 'batch encoder') is a frontend similar to Multi-frontend, but instead of picking the encoder from a list then selecting or adding in options, you type in the entire command line and save it, and it runs that command line over whatever files you've added to the list. Here's what it looks like:

This means it's not as easy to use as FLAC-frontend or Multi-frontend, but it now will work with shntool, whereas no other Speek frontend will. This is because you tell BatchEnc to work with any command line program you want, i.e. shntool, and, thanks to a change made earlier this month, you can now use the new <allfiles> argument which will tell BatchEnc to pass all the files in your file list to a single instance of the command line, instead of one file at a time.

This, of course, is essential when fixing sector boundary errors, the main purpose of shntool. For instance, if you want to fix the sector boundaries on a set of files you would use a command line such as this:

shntool fix <allfiles>

and BatchEnc will now pass all the files in your list to the command line as one group, in the order they are placed in your list. So make sure you have the files in the right order. Previously BatchEnc could only pass one file at a time to the command line so shntool would have ended up padding the end of each file, which is pointless.

You can also now use BatchEnc for all other shntool modes as well, such as len, md5, etc.

I'm not saying everyone should run out now and learn how to use BatchEnc for this purpose, and I don't think Speek even intended this purpose, but I thought many of you might be interested in checking it out. I've been doing some testing and so far it's working just fine.
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