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Old 2005-02-11, 05:42 PM
ProducerDrew ProducerDrew is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Oxford / Biloxi, MS
Recognizing Peers/Seeds; No UL/DL, though? Perhaps PC help needed?

First time this one's happened... I'm using Shad0w's experimental client on my box and BitTornado on my laptop, but I'm having the same problems with both. Everything's been working fine forever, but today I noticed my system was running kind of slow so I shut it down, restarted it. So far, so good. I reconnect to the moe. torrent, and although it connects to both seeds and peers, I leave it online for about 6 hours of school and come home to find a whopping 0.06MiB downloaded and 0.04MiB uploaded. Something struck me as odd, since I'd been working on the Bob Dylan "Night of the Hurricane" torrent while on the school connection and had no problems there. Turns out the Dylan torrent had the same issue as the moe torrent once I was on my home cable connection. So I call up my cable provider to see if there's been any sort of Bittorrent ban or anything - nope, they're fine with BT. I try downloading from easytree, but same problems with torrent connections from files available on their board. So I check my router settings and yeah, my firewall's configured correctly still and I've got a DMZ set up for my computer's IP address. So I call my fifteen year old little brother who works tech support for the local Catholic school's network; even he can't think of anything. In desperation, I turn to the Bittorrent experts of the Traders' Den. I can download from FTPs fine, and still access web pages; it's only BitTorrent uploading and downloading that just doesn't seem to want to move an inch. When I took my laptop back to school, the Dylan torrent started working again, so I'm pretty darn sure it's something to do with my router or the connection here -- but what could have happened during a system shutdown that would create a problem like this? Any ideas? Help? Suggestion?

I'd appreciate any and all That moe.vie is just killing me right now.. Thanks!

Edit: I'm running Windows XP on both systems, but I haven't installed Service Pack 2 yet. Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router, SURFBoard SB4100 Cable Modem, Vista Media Cable Internet Service.

Last edited by U2Lynne; 2005-02-13 at 05:56 PM. Reason: added PC to title to see if a PC person could help out
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