Video MD5 fails (what to do)
OK... This may be a stupid question, but I just want to make sure I handle it correctly. I am very familar with music trading and quality standards, but am new to the world of video trading and fairy new to BT.
Anyway, I just downloaded a video and when I run the MD5 check, two files fail. My question is, what is the standard way to hadle this both with video and with BT. I immediatly stopped seeding the BT as I figured if people download from me, they will get the "bad" files and just keep spreading it around (is this true?).
In terms of how to fix it, I would assume that the best thing would be to delete the files and restart my torrent (which I would hope would start to download just what I need).
Is this the proper procedure or is there a way just to "fix" my bad files without deleting and re-downloading.
Thanks for the help!
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