Re: Sorting Search Results
Yup, seems like everywhere I go, "Yes" is too short of a name to search for.
I use song titles, probably what's listed on Forgotten Yesterdays as most often played in descending order: the "Roundabout" search will find most of it, and I think the "Starship Trooper" search finds more including those 7 from 77 shows I really wish someone would re-seed.
Novel member names like Squire, Howe, Moraz, Wakeman, Rabin etc. can also be very handy. Also entire member names, unless you wanted to check out the Tull while you were looking for shows with Jon. I've found a few Tull shows by accident that way. :-)
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Last edited by velvetsailor; 2007-07-17 at 11:46 PM.
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