I am sick of arguing about this, but, it isn't just my value system, it seems to be the prevailing wisdom among the vast majority of tapers that extraneous sounds and images not be embedded into the recording by the taper/author on purpose. When you blew the whistle at shows (I'm assuming it wasn't added in post-production) didn't it bother those around you? Like, people saying, hey bud, if you think you are so great, start your own band and hold your own concert. Latin jazz music has a whistle in it sometimes. I think it is rude, but that is just my own peculiar value system. And why did you blow the whistle, for what purpose? As a security/identification feature to your recording, or just as a celebration/applause type thing?
Someone burning a couch on accident is funny? Well it might be funny in retrospect, or on a comedy sketch, but not so funny to the guy who now has to turn that cushion over, not to mention get bong water smell out of his couch.
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