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Old 2007-06-21, 05:55 PM
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freezer freezer is offline
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Location: in your worst nightmare
Re: No Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by dcbullet
Well, just like the mp3 or lineage concept, if enough people get behind an idea it can become the accepted "rule." We can't stop anyone from spreading mp3's, but we still think it's dumb and don't allow it here.
But we do allow lying about lineage??? -- For some band communities, lying about lineage is the accepted "rule". So what? Doesn't make it right. Yet, most hard core collectors know when the lineage is just too good to be true, so in order to get a certain show, they either do one of these things:
1. ignore the lineage and enjoy the show anyway
2. repeat the bogus lineage - spread it with bad lineage
3. punish themselves and not listen to the show
4. complain, complain, complain

And I suspect that you will not get a ruling at TTD about imbedded graphics/text until it's so widespread that its too late to stop it.

Or you'll just have to be satisfied with less choices, unless you accept the imbedded graphics.

And you are right, it doesn't cost anything to voice my opinion, so Enjoy the whistle.
Originally Posted by jameskg View Post
I don't think I troll anyone, other than freezer.

Originally Posted by U2Lynne View Post
You wall-eyed apple-knocking pig-fuckers! You don't know shit!