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Old 2007-06-07, 05:30 PM
berk1984 berk1984 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Oakland, California
Still have 500 Grateful Dead cassettes, need to preserve

Is it worth it to go through the effort to convert my old audio tape collection to lossless digital formats?

As a teenager I was a tape trading fanatic and hooked up with an old deadhead who shared with me many Grateful Dead soundboards from 1966-1974. I still have about 500 of these tapes (cassettes) and they haven't been accessible to me for a long time since I don't have a cassette deck. Many of them are really crisp....should I make a big project out of this?

Also, what is the best way to digitize this data, preserving as much audio quality? What do you guys use?!?
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