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Old 2007-06-07, 06:24 AM
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AAR.oner AAR.oner is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Feb 2005
Re: Urgent jb3 question....

it depends, i would go with 671 over the 660 *unless* you're gonna be stealthing much [the 671 is a good bit larger and would be alot tougher to sneak in etc] reason for the 671 being you can record in 16- or 24-bit, and up to 96kHz, which for a portabe field recorder, is incredibly high quality...the downside is it'll cost ya about twice as much

as far as modded machines, Doug Oade is the man to talk to...excellent work, very nice guy to talk to, and great can compare the two at his site [click on "upgrades' from the links above to see the mods he can do]...the type of mod you choose might be affected by the mics you use, thats something you can actually talk with Doug about and he'll help ya...

for me, i would personally get the Advanced Concert MOD [$709 for the 660, and $1249 for the 671]

fwiw, prices on stock PMDs are currently around $499 for the 660, and $999 for the 671
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