Originally Posted by sweatboard
Ok so if I'm currently running . AT853rx>UA-5>jb3
The PMD-660 will replace the JB3 nicely? I want something with optical in (I think) I also want to be able to record for at least 3hr. with wav. files. It would be nice if it saved the file as it recorded in case the battery dies. I want to be able to easily transfer the file to my computer. I'm confused how this thing runs 48v phantom power on two AA bateries and still runs the recorder. I mean I'm still going to need the UA-5 with this thing right? Thanks again friends,
it runs on 4 AA batteries, and supposedly can get ~4 hrs of record time [i'd say 3-3.5 would be more accurate]...you can always get external battery packs for it tho for increased times
as for amount of record time on the media, depends on the size of the CF card...i can get approx 6 hours on a 4GB card @ 16/44.1
as for the UA-5, don't need it...never use mine with my PMD671, especially if you get it modded...here's some more info:
if you want a cheaper recorder and use the UA-5 as yer pre's, you could get the MicroTrack or even the R09
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