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Old 2007-06-06, 08:10 PM
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EVAN772 EVAN772 is offline
The Rover
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: south side of the sky
Question music managers/ players

hey guys,

i've been lookin at a few music managers for my insanely large collection, and the two i find to be decent are as follows - i just want to get a little input first if possible. they both support flac,ape,wav, etc.

1. helium -

2. orangecd -

no i'm not promoting these! - just for you all to compare

i don't like the foobar cause it is a pain in the ass to set the way i want - ya gotta be a computer guru for that program. it toook me 4 hours to get it half way decent and i still need to work on it.i figure time is money so i don't want to spend hours configuring a program when i can buy one for $50.00 or so.

i am looking for input before i fork out the 40 dollars for ea one of these.
it seems the orange is more for bootlegs, and the other is for a little bit of everything. so far it's a tossup, i downloaded 10 today and the others suck!

any help from the people out there would be greatly appreciated.

thanks, Evan
Charlie Don't Surf

Last edited by EVAN772; 2007-06-06 at 08:40 PM.
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