Why are you still trolling after me....Do I have something you want?
Do you think I owe you something?
I ask NOTHING from you.
Well, if you think I have something you want, why don't you be nice and prove you're so "taper-friendly" and offer this old taper a trade?
Surely with all the tapers 'giving' you stuff, somebody can help you find something to trade.....what is it you want from me that you can't get that made you this angry everytyime you troll after me?
And if you think I have something you want, offer me a trade and then let everyone have what you 'liberate' from freezer.
You wanna blow your horn about what you "share" at DaD .... well, shit-fire bub, you could brag for a whole year about what you 'released' from the freezer, right.....if you can pull off a trade, huh?
HOWEVER: If I don't have anything you want, please go ahead and stifle your need to up your post count by trolling after me again .....
Make up your mind, n00bie....please either PM me for a trade,
if you think I have something you want, or please stop being mean-spirited and go away IF you think I don't.
Nobody wants to see this turn into a flame stop it now, possessed.......please.
Oh yeah, I love you too, as much as I respect the president
