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Old 2007-06-01, 09:27 PM
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possessed possessed is offline
the non-nuclear Homer Simpson
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: the mitten state
Re: What are Site Admins allowed to do with donations?

Originally Posted by freezer

What a vindictive quote......

Meet possessed, another of the taper-unfriendly sanctioned trolls that occasionally stumble from the Lounge..... shame on you, at least you might have thought to use some humor instead on just wasting space trolling in a music thread.......

Thanks old man!

I troll out of the lounge everyday. Unfortunately, I don't feel like posting in all the forums. Oh and you would know me better if you were actually allowed in the lounge. Says something about you.

I'm quite taper friendly. I've seeded shows for tapers on STG that were on dial-up or unable to upload for other reasons. And all my torrents include the original tapers comments and names where known. I don't torrent here anymore, but do so on DAD and have uploaded 4 shows in the last 3 days with thanks to the original tapers and even contact with them for more info. Guess you missed the post where I said respect the taper, otherwise these sites wouldn't exist. I assume you were to busy yelling at the "whippersnappers."

Meet freezer, the owner of many masters that will never see the light of day because he is a bitter old man who prefers to argue then make friends(and feel like he's worshipped for owning such "treasures"). I see him as the angry old codger whom takes your ball when it lands in his yard and yells at you while waving his cane.

Love ya old man. But I love everyone, just not in the same order.
1 2010 KBS left!
4 2011 KBS left.
And 6 2009 and 2 2010 Nemesis too.

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I hear the Rape is lovely this time of year.
hey man if nobody else has helped you out, i can continue to ignore you too