[2007-05-30 19:14:15] (global message) : Could not download or open
Try using a web browser to download the torrent file.
(unknown url type: )
[2007-05-30 19:20:00] "Van Morrison" : This torrent (or one with the same contents) is already running.
[2007-05-30 19:20:25] "Van Morrison" : This torrent (or one with the same contents) is already running.
[2007-05-30 21:09:53] "Van Morrison" : This torrent (or one with the same contents) is already running.
[2007-05-30 21:10:19] "Van Morrison" : This torrent (or one with the same contents) is already running.
[2007-05-30 21:13:11] (global message) : Could not delete cached resume file:[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Erik Hrycun\\Application Data\\.bittorrent\\data\\resume\\a41ce6dff918411af917c95d5298c917fa61aafe'
[2007-05-30 21:14:06] (global message) : Could not download or open
C:\Documents and Settings\Erik Hrycun\My Documents\BitTorrent Downloads\Van Morrison
Try using a web browser to download the torrent file.
(<urlopen error unknown url type: c>)
[2007-05-30 21:14:37] (global message) : Could not download or open
Try using a web browser to download the torrent file.
(not a valid bencoded string)
[2007-05-30 21:18:13] "Van Morrison" : bad data from tracker - not a valid bencoded string
[2007-05-30 21:19:13] "Van Morrison" : bad data from tracker - not a valid bencoded string
what am i doing wrong??
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