Re: firewalled and ports blocked...why so many? challenge U 2 open them!
thanx for trying
you can always post questions in technobabble
and you will get responses
I am on a Mac iBook G4
using Aiport....
it took me a while but even when I thought I figured it out...
I really didn't
then I re-read stuff and got it done...
really thanx for your efforts
pick a port that is a 5 digit number... this is what actually helped me not to be blocked...
keep up the effort
and yes rations are a bit mis leading
as if you disconnect and reconnect they can change
for specific torrents
but folks here are very friendly and helpful
if you post a question about you particular set up
some one will respond
it's community!
saty on torrents longer
and keep them running... but if you are running larger ones like DVD's only have a few open at a time
jump on early and pick popular projects...
peace thru music!
~ Archival Audio ~
Archiving Worthy Music
since 1986 & digitally since 1995
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