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Old 2007-05-26, 12:31 AM
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trustthex trustthex is offline
Trainwreckin' Fool
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Denton, TX
Re: did i get ripped off?

maxtor, western digital, seagate, ibm, hitachi, lacie, iomega... any of those would do nicely... don't flame me for listing any of those, i've had drives of all of the types listed, and seen all of them fail, but not near as quick as some of the housebrand/noname oem drives ive seen. ive got a 8 yr old 13 gb maxtor still spinning, some 20 gb ibms and wds. there are bad batches, but no major manufacturer is bad.

as to the dvds, get some tys, copy to hd, verify the md5s and reburn.
The critics of the Information Age see everything in the negative, as if the quantity of information can lead to a loss of meaning. They said the same thing about Gutenberg.
-Timothy Leary

Meatwad: I thought you said TV was bad.
Frylock: It is. But we fucking need it.

Originally Posted by general eclectic
There's a big difference between getting trashed and disappearing.
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