Originally Posted by U2Lynne
Since it knows where the files are being moved upon completion (in my case to a folder called "Downloads Completed") it is automatically set up to seed from there. It does this all automatically and you don't need to worry about it. It just moves the completed folder and torrent to the other folder on your hard drive, it moves it on your Azureus screen to the bottom section, and then it just continues seeding.
Very good Lynne
Nina I'm reading that faq on Azureus as we speak but of course the settings layout is different as I have the newest version.. I checked the speed of my server and its saying I have 1.2 megabits per sec. I'm still clueless as how they figure out what speed to pick for uploading so I went with the 384kpbs. I'm tempted to go to 512 though what did you guys set yours at?
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