Originally Posted by U2Lynne
Actually, I never just *do* something, I always try to discuss it with Staff first. So, I brought up the Spiders with them yesterday and this morning, every mod who responded agreed that we should close the doors to the Spiders in the Where We Go To Play forums. So, if you log out right now, you will not be able to see those forums.
My apologies Lynn...my "sense of humor" is very strange (actually I am not sure if it can be called a "sense" at all, "nonsense" may be a better description.). I most admire the kind of humor displayed by the recently deceased great American humorist Kurt Vonnegut, who in turn was especially influenced by the late French author Ferdinand Céline (who in his turn aspired to write his dark humorist prose "on the cusp of the plane of delirium").
So please excuse my excess in the name of humor (exaggeration being a pillar of humor)...I want to emphasize that I never once doubted your good intentions, your judgment or your sincerity.
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