Re: The "It's broken, please fix it" thread...
The problem with trying to download the same show from two different clients is that you download shows in 'chunks'. A chunk comes in various sizes depending on what the torrent maker selects. So, if a chunk is 12 units big, then you don't get 'credit' for the chunk until you get all 12 of those units. Since your bittorrent clients don't talk to each other, they could both be working on the same chunk. And, one could overwrite what is going on with the other. It can cause real big problems. If all you are doing is uploading, it won't cause so many problems since you aren't writing to your hard drive. I would pick one bittorrent client to have open at a time.
To add, you noticed how you went down in % completion when you changed bittorrent clients. That is because usually the client won't write to the drive until that chunk is complete. So, you may have had 40% complete, but it could have all been in unwriten chunks. Thus, you stopped and then switched clients and only got credit for what was writen to your harddrive.
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