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Old 2007-02-25, 04:43 PM
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paddington paddington is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: UK
Re: The "It's broken, please fix it" thread...

I don't thinkit's twice.. I think it's showing Seeders+Leechers sum. I think.

At first I was worried that we were getting attacked by the RIAA torrent bots that fill up seeder slots and send out corrupted pieces to leeches. You see them all over torrents @ demonoid. The RIAA has a few shell companies that download a good copy of a torrent, corrupt every piece in the hash and resend to the swarm. Everyone downloads a piece, it's no good, then starts downloading again. Times 1000. Fucks up the .torrent unless each individual client (peer) bans the IP range. Luckily, the RIAA is still stupid, so they use a sequential range of IPs to spam the swarm, making it pretty easy to ID and block.

Anyway, I started one or two torrents and watched to see if any of the known RIAA IPs showed up (38.x.x.x blocks) and sent bad pieces to me, and that did not happen, so I figured we were safe from that. Then I noticed this morning that ALL the torrents now have shit loads of seeds.
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