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Old 2007-02-18, 01:28 AM
wilburhaines wilburhaines is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Re: The "It's broken, please fix it" thread...

on this show...

my client shows I'm upping about 40kB to the same four peers who show on the page. My ratio has climbed, and my totals up and down roughly match on the two ends. I've stayed on throughout this little drama, so the latter suggests the totals and ratio caught up with what moved while the web display was messed up.

BUT the above show page persists in showing traffic barely at a crawl while my client reports me at 40 up and two peers pulling healthy 70-100kB peer downloads. I've been watching and refreshing it for 15-20 min. so the page should reflect reasonably current data by now?

So it looks as if the tracker is correctly crediting the ratios and totals, but there may still be problems with what it's reporting to the pages about speeds (as if I have a clue how this stuff works)

Not causing me any problems, just reporting in ....

g'nite, and thanks again!
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