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Old 2005-01-19, 08:54 PM
wazoo2u wazoo2u is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Question Opinions on BitSpirit ??

Just started running a few torrents on this. It's got a lot of features, but seems like it's more geared to the Gamerz, MP3'erz etc crowd, rather than music BT's. It's got a more complicated interface than ABC, but I had it up and running in a few minutes.

Advantage is that it seems to have a fairly conservative memory usage, and seems to do everything Azureus does. Allows you to set UL/DL caps for each torrent, and also has individual file download.

I've been having nothing but trouble (lockups) with ABC since I upgraded recently to XP SP2, so I'm looking to make some changes.

Here's a download URL if you're interested:
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