BTW, if you go into the Forums on the BttB website, the first post listed is about the settings for a DVD...nice discussion. Reading it reminded me a bit of why I have my settings the way they are. You can make the max size bigger than what I use (4450.00) as that is something of a known value (you're telling the program what it is after all), but depending on what you're burning your tree size can vary a decent amount. For instance, if you are burning say, 5 shows with 10 files (tracks) each, your file structure will be much smaller than if you're burning a random compilation of mp3's, which could be hundreds of files in different folders....or thousands of pictures which would really complicate the tree depending on how they're broken up. I remember I just went with a nice size that I considered "buffered" so I wouldn't have to readjust each time I burnt a disc with different stuff. The 50 megs left (prior to the creation of the tree) before you hit the 4.5 gig limit isn't that big of a deal to me. Of course, you could create settings for different types of DVD burns. YMMV
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