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Old 2007-01-01, 04:31 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Re: Ripping using iTunes, is it okay? / EAC n00b help needed

Ack, Five! I don't know what link is to, but it stalled my browser and I had to Force Quit.

As far as I know, Scott only does development on xACT for Mac users. It is available for download on versiontracker: I just did a search on versiontracker for xACT on Windows and didn't come up with anything. Scott, the developer of xACT, runs a yahoogroup for xACT users and the description for the group is "List for discussion about xACT for Mac OS X. Announcements about new versions will also be made here." So, if there is another xACT for PC users, my guess is that it isn't related in anyway.
Five's Checksums Demystified - everything and anything you want to know about checksums
On a Mac? Get XLD to rip your CDs. Please see this guide - X Lossless Decoder (XLD): How to create flawless CD rips on Mac OS X

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