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Old 2005-01-15, 12:17 PM
SpotTheLooney SpotTheLooney is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: Acceptable Lineage?

I wasn't being an ASSHOLE...on ROYAL-ORLEANS...I was just trying to share something..end of story..I'll shut up now...please do the same.....
If i was just some un knowing asshole,I'd accept all of the BS...but I am an experienced collector whose collecting values started and go way beyond the computer world...If a normal thinking music lover reads the Blueberry hill argument,I guarentee they'd say I wasn't doing anything wrong...just trying to do my part....This is really getting I'll be staying away from the forums for a offense to anyone including Presence....I still say I did nothing wrong....and will stick to it...but to each their own..thanx for listening
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