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Old 2005-01-15, 09:48 AM
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katnapz katnapz is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Recommend (Music) Collection Database Programs

Oh yeah,...I remember this program from a couple years ago when I was sampling what's out there before. I'll have to check out the latest version and see how it works now days. Thanks for the link to it.

Also, I'm going to post a note in your thread from a couple weeks back where you were looking for a freeware computer, I did find some freeware programs out there on a site I used to go to all the time....forgot about it until last night.
Go to for a bunch of free programs for about anything....from the front page go into the free programs section, then select the site closest to your geographical location and then on the left side choose "Software Menu". Under the catagory "Disc" is a link for "Disk Cataloging" and there's a couple listed in there. Haven't had a chance to try any of them yet but maybe this will help some of the cheapskates out's that line go? The secret is to bang the rocks together everyone
...Catnip is my middle name...
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