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Old 2005-01-11, 01:39 PM
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Re: Weird playback problem

...just wanted to start with that. I'm puzzled as hell by all this, my only comfort is that it's not happening on my computer!! I feel bad for you, when you love music as much as we here all do, a problem like this really sucks.

I didn't come up with very much, I've spent about an hour pouring over these examples.

I see what you mean now by the left-channel mono thing. The left channel seems to take over, perfectly demonstrated with the example where there's supposed to be silence in the left and guitar in the right... but there's silence in both. Why? I dunno! The other parts where the volume drops and sound is almost mono, I took a close look and the sound is indeed nearly mono but is not perfect mono. That and the way the volume drops suggests stongly that something very strange is going on involving the L&R channels getting mixed together, plus something's happening with the phase. Of course, there's also the issue that there's sound in the left channel during the part where there's only supposed to be sound in the right channel. I found a small bit of useful evidence here:
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!
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