Thread: Gspot & LPCM ?
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Old 2005-01-05, 09:25 PM
NoddingTurdFAN NoddingTurdFAN is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Gspot & LPCM ?

Hi Everyone -

Just authored my first DVD from a show I videotaped with a Panasonic PV-DV800D MiniDV camcorder. I transferred the show to my PC via Firewire using WinDV as the capture software. I converted the video to DVD compatible Mpeg2 w/ Tmpgenc and used VirtualDub to pull the audio from the .avi as LPCM. I authored the DVD with Tmpgenc Author.

When I have Gspot look at the VOB the audio section tells me the audio is LPCM (fine) but does not tell me the bit rate. ANy idea why? Kind of an authoring noob here...

Oh and while I'm here...when I eventually torrent this would the lineage be:

MiniDV > DVD or should I say
MiniDV > AVI > MPEG2 > DVD

Something else?


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