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Old 2005-01-03, 03:15 PM
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The Wicker Man The Wicker Man is offline
Giver of Zero Fucks
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Evergreen, Colorado
Re: Question for anti-mp3 traders

If you biggest worry is speed and time then the Traders Den is not for you. There are other sites that may cater to what you are into. Here quality is of the upmost importance and lineage (source). Not everyone feels that way, and is the reason there are many trading sites out there.

I prefer quality as it can be heard on a high end system, and most audiophiles are very careful about keep source and lineage intact where as someone who doesn't care about/quality and source would dilute the trading pool. I encode to mp3 to listen on my ipod etc, but delete them right away to make sure they don't get out.

I really just comes down to a matter of respecting the trade. What you do for your own personal use is fine, just don't let them circulate.

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