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Old 2006-06-14, 09:35 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: a cold place
Re: BAD trader, Liar= Ragu420 Ragu421 whatever

Originally Posted by Chachi420
Also, it annoys me when somone dl at 500kbps and then drops off a torrent after they dl it, leaving the original seeder to continue seeding alone. If that first person who completed stays on to help seed, then things go much faster. That type of leecher causes the seeder a lot of extra time to get the torrent fully seeded.
Agree with you on this. I hopped onto a show yesterday where the three people were stuck around 85%. I seeded it overnight, and then this morning I saw only two left and the third had hopped right off (he was in the snatched list, but no longer seeding). I left a note in the thread saying I didn't think it was cool that he hopped off right away after I had helped him out. *Those* are the leechers I don't like.

But Chachi, I don't know that 90% is even a realistic number. I have a share ratio of 3.82 mostly from simply uploading shows that I didn't originally seed. I am always looking to see if there are straglers and then helping them out. I do that everynight. So, I am 'taking away upload possibilities' from other people. (But, they are only possibilities if the others even take a look to see if they could have seeded.)

We could be strict here about ratios like on other sites, but then we would be only a bittorrent site. If we were only bittorrent, then there would be no need for the Trading forums or Technical Help or The Lounge type forums. Is that what we want to be?
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