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Old 2006-06-08, 10:01 AM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: a cold place
Re: All of a sudden I am firewalled...

One thing about the FIREWALLED under your stats.... I do a query on the Peers List for your id and it brings me back just the first listing for you it sees. Based on that listing, it will list you as either FIREWALLED or not (in which case nothing is there). So, that would explain why sometimes it shows up there but if you look at one of your Peers Lists for yourself, you are not shown firewalled there. All it takes is one of your connections to show as firewalled and that word could show up under your stats.

Also, simply because you are firewalled, that doesn't necessarily mean that your speeds are going to be slow. All it means is that you cannot connect to other peers who are firewalled. So, if you are on a torrent with a lot of unfirewalled peers, you could have great speeds. However, if you are on a torrent with a lot of firewalled peers, you may have very bad speeds. (Note the work *may* because it really depends on what their upload speeds are also.).
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