Thread: shntool help
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Old 2004-12-28, 12:19 PM
Re: shntool help

Originally Posted by moemusic
Now, I think I got the ape thingy (mac.exe) but the flac thingy is confusing. They have a link to source forge. As usual source forge has a zillion links to download. I've always had problems figuring out which file to download on source forge. So to keep the streak alive, I don't know which file I download off source forge to get flac.exe.
Shntool doesn't bundle shorten.exe with it because many people already have shorten.exe when they get shntool. Plus if you actually take a moment to read the shntool site and docs it tells you that you need shorten.exe if you are working with SHNs.

As for FLAC, you need flac.exe. The shntool homepage doesn't have the latest version, but the FLAC homepage does, and so does my homepage.
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