Originally Posted by ColinM
Sorry, Jack. I forgot to add, "...for most users."
Most people don't have listening rooms or even budgets that justify a spearate pre-amp, left and right mono block amp, separate D/A converter, compact disc transit, blah, blah, blah...
Quality and multi use receivers are really the way to go for most of us. By typping that he didn't know the difference between A/V and 2 channel units, I would guess he would not be into Creek Audio, or Magnepan, or Rotel, or whatever.
I hear ya....just having a little fun......no WAY I'd drop that kinda jack on an amp......that's just fucking nuts! 350K on an AMP?!? For 350K it better come with a band that can play any god-damn song I want anytime!
I've been really pleased with my Sony. It's a Sony STR-GX800ES - Audio/Video reciever. 115w in Stereo and 90w Front & Center 30w rear in Surround. More on my setup
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