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Old 2004-12-21, 10:11 AM
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RainDawg RainDawg is offline
Renegade Geek
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Passing swiftly through The Moor
An all open source or at least free-ware PC?

Just as a goal of mine, I wanted to build a Windows based system that uses all open source programs, or at least is built on all programs that can be used free of charge without any adware/spyware/malware.

I know that some people are going to suggest just using Linux, but I don't have the time to learn how to do everything with that, am not sure if all my hardware is compatible, and don't have anyone to help show me the ropes.

So, throw out some ideas for replacing these cracked or over-priced programs with legal, free, and hopefully open source ones.

For the record, I do own a legal copy of Win-XP....
I've gotten rid of MS Office and am using Open Office.
I've also done away with Visual Studio. I still have a cracked copy of Photoshop, but there has to be an open source image editor out there that compares (I don't do anything REALLY tricky). Throw some ideas at me!
Through the clouds,
Throught the lies,
We'll never see,
What's never been,
At the ending of life and the coming of death,
Pass not through its gates but into the dark.
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