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Old 2023-02-21, 02:32 AM
coolusername coolusername is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Quick question about port forwarding, static IP address etc

Hi all, been here a few years and love live music with a passion.
I don't have Instagram or Twitter - I consider TTD and Dime my preferred methods of 'social media'..

A couple of days ago, my landlord changed our ISP for a cheaper and faster deal.
Since then I'm firewalled on both sites, as confirmed by

I've looked into the various threads about how to fix being firewalled.

My only real concern before I try any of the fixes:
The question of security was brought up by my landlord when mentioning about 'opening ports' etc.
And there being 3 people sharing our house, I'm hoping to avoid affecting their use of our network.
(I'm definitely not the most competent or knowledgeable computer user, in general. I appreciate this may be a 'dumb/noob' question)

Is creating a static IP address via 'PortForward network utilities' going to cause any problems with network security?
Will doing so only affect my personal device?

I may need more help but this is my burning question at the moment.
Willing to try anything to get going again.

I'm using uTorrent 3.6 currently.

Thanks for reading, and any advice.
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