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Old 2022-10-21, 08:20 PM
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xavier242 xavier242 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: a warm place
Re: Firewall false positive?

Several gigs transferred but the rest are stuck at 0%. U2Lynne is (hopefully) taking a peek at the VAN MORRISON 2000-03-24 'Point Depot gig.

I had the same issue on FIOS (with forwarding rules in place) and TTD only. VPNs that offer forwarding all seem to have the issue with TTD. They all work fine on any other P2P service (when forwarding is proper), so yeah I blame the tracker too.

I'm building a prototype server to be cloned with TTD in my home lab and Wireshark may give some clue what's going on with the these stalled torrents. Parts come next week.

Cloudflare was a bust. The site nearly went down this morning when I turned Cloudflare off. Runaway process creation from the web server gobbling up all the RAM... I suspect the web server config is messed up but can't troubleshoot without the prototype box.

To folks munching popcorn laughing... Linux sucks especially when there are no drive image backups (or any system backups) and you're not a Linux SSH guru and the box isn't in front of you. All the stuff I'd normally use on Linux for troubleshooting isn't installed. I'm afraid of changing ANYTHING on the server as that may kill the site permanently. Thus the prototype box build (at every Admin job I've had it was SOP to test on the prototype before deploying to the production box). The new production TTD server is getting a damn GUI desktop I can securely VNC into. I haven't touched a terminal only Linux box in 25 years.
