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Old 2022-09-08, 12:52 PM
Bruschi Bruschi is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Re: Tracker problems

If cloudlflare is the only difference from when hundreds of torrents going back eight years--I am the last seeder on many excellent ones--worked and now do not, then cloudflare need not be tracker experts, just cloudflare experts. They should do their job. What code do they inject into the hypertext protocol? What else? A tracker is like anything else, a directory with call and response based on hypertext protocol.

My client specifically points to an SQL syntax error. If Cloudflare would simply break down what it is they think they are doing for your site--specific code--and you check that against the existing issues, we would progress.

Have other trackers used cloudflare? How did they troubleshoot this? Why not use cloudflare for the site and not the tracker? What advantage does it offer the tracker, which has been near flawless for going on two decades?

Here are some disadvantages of Cloudflare offered elsewhere that may trigger an understanding of where they have introduced a point--or points--of failure into Traders Den:

By using cloudflare, you add a point of failure between web server and visitors.

Cloudflare may not speed up your pageload.

Cloudflare may get your website penalized by google.

Cloudflare inject code into your HTTP headers.

Cloudflare may deliver the wrong version of a page.

Cloudflare makes you believe that it protects your server against bots. In fact, a clever bot can start many handshakes with your servers and crash your server even behind cloudflare. (Syn DDOS attack)

Cloudflare may modify your code and you didn’t want Cloudflare to modify your code (HTML minify, removing comments, adding JS lines)

Using cloudflare is like handing over your house keys to someone. You get dependent on cloudflare to deliver your content.

Cloudflare can spy on your data and the data of your website visitors since their servers stand in the middle between two HTTPS chains.

Cloudflare can decide to shut down the connectivity to your web server.
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