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Old 2022-08-26, 05:28 AM
micheleulysse micheleulysse is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Icon4 bad ratio

Hi Moderators,

here's what happens, I bought an ext hd, I ran out of space, and once I did I started downloading Bob Dylan video torrents, many of which were old torrents... now, for some reason I remembered that here works differently from Dime and I thought the ratio wasn't really a requirement (also bc with the increased speed, compared to when we all started with torrents, nowadays even a huge torrent gets to be downloaded in a few mins and it's more and more difficult, and maybe less necessary? to keep up with ratio), but I ended up with a 0.03 ratio and now the site tells me I'm FIREWALLED, which I'm not bc I was downloading perfectly, and my remaining torrents here are stuck...

can you help me fix the problems? what can I do? I have some old torrents downloaded also on Dime, maybe I could start seeding those but I sense starting with 0.03 it would still take a lot for me to get in balance to start downloading again?

Also, I sent this message privately to a moderator but I can't see my message in the sent folder, it seems like it disappears in the recess of the web, somewhere...

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