Originally Posted by Five
I read that they are also introducing errors as part of some copy protection schemes, I wonder if this is related in any way?
No, the copy protection schems insert intentionally flawed bits into the disc, but not on the audio portion. It makes it so that a computer drive will fail when trying to read the disc, though, as usual, there are going to be ways around it.
No, this is quite simply either a carelessness or an intentional hijacking of the audio on a certain recording. Read that HA thread again, some interesting comments have been posted about the possibilities of incomptence and/or malice being at issue with some of these recordings.
Either way, I am really upset and pissed off about this...I've bought quite a few jazz classics recently in their remastered form, and I'm afraid that some of them may be flawed. I've yet to find one of these mistakes on my own, but now that I know to look for them, I'm scared that they're going to start popping up everywhere.
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