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Old 2004-11-11, 04:16 PM
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Rider Rider is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Re: Policy on "remastering"

Originally Posted by RainDawg
I would think if people are not willing to submit their seeds for a peer-review that we could do without it here. I'll bring this up again, and if everyone agrees that a remastering subforum is in order, I'll try get it going.

We probably wouldn't want to get into it too deep until site launch, which is still 5 days away.....
Ummm no offense but one of the people who seeded a very nice master here already is one of the people who fliped out on me when I tried this with the TSP comunnity. They have really big egos and know what they are doing and don't want to be treated like children. And yes these are the people we want here. These are the people who avoided seeding on the groove. They are exactly who this site was made for. I've already seen more then one big name taper who never used the groove pass through here to check it out. lets not chase them off.
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