Thread: vinyl to flac?
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Old 2004-12-06, 02:37 AM
Re: vinyl to flac?

Originally Posted by skahorn
I did not know about the possibility of a time/temp variation!
More complexity.
Well, to tell you the truth ska, I don't know if time temp plays a role. I have a mechanical engineering background and temp affects everything. Heat is the killer of all

So I always look for ways to isolate the temp variable. My sound card doesn't seem to have any difference due to temperature. But I always check since it doesn't take too long to make the silent wavs.

Originally Posted by Five
Also, I find it useful to turn off my computer system sounds when doing nr work... I've almost had my head ripped off a couple times when I had my volume turned up to 20 and windows goes "DUNT!!!".
LOL I'm not the only one eh?

Originally Posted by Five
I would absolutely love to hear your work some way or another. Preferably not out of print material since this is not allowed at TTD and I would want the samples available to everyone who's interested. This way, when they read your tutorial, they can hear samples of the results right away. I'll find someplace to host the samples for you.
Well, The only work i've done is on albums I have that never made it to cd. I've dated myself lol.

Originally Posted by Five
I would highly recommend not running CEP/Auditon nr at 100%, but rather down closer to 60% to "cover your tracks", so to speak.
Thanks for the reminder. I usually run the NR at 70%. There's some other settings like fft, precsion factor and such. Can't recall what I use off hand. I'll have to pull my recipie out since i haven't done any recording since my last format.

Thanks for the link for the image shack. I'll get to work on a tutorial. Maybe I can have it done in 7-10 days. Don't hold that to me tho hehe

Now, are there any John Cougar Mellencamp Fans? If so, I recorded his 11-11-04 A&E live by request show onto my computer. I edited the show to remove all the commercials, talking and such so that it sounds like a continous show. If anyone's intersted in seeding the show, pm me and maybe we can work out a small trade or bnp.
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