Thread: vinyl to flac?
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Old 2004-12-01, 10:16 PM
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Re: vinyl to flac?

How to Fix Clicks/Pops with CEP/Audition

1. Listen for the click/pop. Toggle between Waveform and Spectral views to help you see it.

Switch to your time display to "Samples".

2. Zoom in a little.

3. Use spectral view, and select the center of the click/pop. Do as little processing as possible, try to use the center 40 samples or so. 99% of the time you will never have to select more than 100 samples to eliminate the click/pop. Select Effects>Noise Reduction>Click/Pop Eliminator>Fill Single Click Now.

4. The Click/Pop is fixed! Listen carefully to the before/after and use Edit>Undo frequently during the repair.

I find it helps to keep notepad open to jot down numbers and an image editor to quickly grab screenshots (Alt + Print Scrn or Ctrl + Print Scrn then Ctrl + V to paste the image). Work slowly and carefully, and don't be satisfied until you know that you've done your best. Special thanks to rbuzz who taught me this technique back at STG.
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Originally posted by oxymoron
Here you are in a place of permanent madness, be careful!

Last edited by Five; 2007-04-20 at 01:09 PM. Reason: repairing picture links
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