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Old 2004-12-01, 09:02 AM
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RainDawg RainDawg is offline
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Location: Passing swiftly through The Moor
Re: Some questions on seeding here

Originally Posted by e6003
One other quick question - say I download a show from a DC++ hub but there's absolutely no lineage info. Could I seed it here with lineage something like "Bootleg Archive FLACs > you" (assuming of course there was no better version in circulation)? Or is this not adequate for the high standards you want to set here?
No, in most cases something without any lineage at all is going to be turned down. If you just put FLAC > you, it's going to be pulled. At the very least, we'd need to see what the source is, IE SBD or AUD designation. Even so, if we don't have any idea what media was used to trasfer it, I would say as a general rule of thumb it's not going to be accepted.

Try to track down source info if possible, then seed. If there's a question about a specific set, PM a mod and we'll offer feedback on what's missing and how it can be corrected. We're pretty picky here, but also happy to help people get things setup correctly.
Through the clouds,
Throught the lies,
We'll never see,
What's never been,
At the ending of life and the coming of death,
Pass not through its gates but into the dark.
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