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Old 2004-11-27, 07:24 PM
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katnapz katnapz is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: To shntool md5, or not to shntool md5

Originally Posted by Five
I know a 7 who's also a Monkey so go figger. I get pushed to 7 under stress... when you see me in a huge big blowout there's a point where the bottom just falls out and I shift to 7.

I'm quite positive I'm Five
Yeah, I knew a guy back out of high school who was definately a 7...we even called him a monkey by the way he acted, but he was a 4 when it came to romantic relations...could just never settle...(well, he eventually did I heard but I don't know how that turned out)
...Catnip is my middle name...
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